Working Papers (Economics)
The Long-Run Effect of Public Libraries on Children: Evidence from the Early 1900s
Heterogeneity in the Marginal Propensity to Consume: Evidence from Covid-19 Stimulus Payments
with Aastha Rajan
The Democratization of Opportunity: The Effects of the U.S. High School Movement
(email for
with Ali Doxey Koetting, Peter Nencka
Under Review (Economics)
Nominal Maturity Mismatch and the Liquidity Cost of Inflation
with Yu-Ting Chiang
Ending Early Grade Suspensions
with Sarah Komisarow
Early Predictors of Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice Involvement
with Andrew Jordan, Derek Neal
Religion as Social Insurance: Evidence from the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
with Philipp Ager, Casper Worm Hansen, and Lars Lonstrup
Antitrust Enforcement Increases Economic Activity
Schools and Crime
Reject and Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Publications (Economics)
The Black-White Lifetime Earnings Gap
with Anthony Wray
Accepted, Explorations in Economic History
Hetereogeneous Impacts of Sentencing Decisions
with Andrew Jordan, Derek Neal
Accepted, Journal of Labor Economics
The Returns to Public Library Investment
Accepted, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Do Stay-at-Home Orders Cause People to Stay at Home? Effects of Stay-at-Home Orders on Consumer Behavior
Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics
School Closures During the 1918 Flu Pandemic
Accepted, Review of Economics and Statistics
The Census Place Project: A Method for Geolocating Unstructured Place Names
Accepted, Explorations in Economic History
Working Papers (Forecasting)
Improving Low-Probability Judgments
with Pavel Atanasov, Coralie Consigny, Philipp Schoenegger, David V. Budescu, and Philip E. Tetlock
The Forecasting Proficiency Test: A General Use Assessment of Forecasting Ability
with Mark Himmelstein, Sophie Ma Zhu, Nikolay Petrov, Jessica Helmer, Sivan Livnat, Amory Bennett, Page Hedley, and Phil Tetlock
The Psychometric Properties of Probability and Quantile Forecasts
with Sophie Ma Zhu, David Budescu, Nikolay Petrov, and Mark Himmelstein
Identifying Good Forecasters via Adaptive Cognitive Tests
with Edgar C. Merkle, Nikolay Petrov, Sophie Ma Zhu, Philip E. Tetlock, and Mark Himmelstein
Under Review (Forecasting)
Tracking U.S. Consumers in Real Time with a New Weekly Index of Retail Trade
Revise and Resubmit, International Journal of Central Banking
Belief Updating in AI-Risk Debates: Exploring the Limits of Adversarial Collaboration
(email for
with Josh Rosenberg, Zachary Jacobs, Molly Hickman, Avital Morris, Harrison Durland, Philip E. Tetlock
AI-Augmented Predictions: LLM Assistants Improve Human Forecasting Accuracy
(email for
with Philipp Schoenegger, Peter S. Park, and Philip E. Tetlock
Self-Resolving Prediction Markets for Unverifiable Outcomes
with Siddarth Srinivasan, Yiling Chen
Full Accuracy Scoring Accelerates the Discovery of Skilled Forecasters
with Pavel D. Atanasov, Philip E. Tetlock
Reciprocal Scoring: A Method for Forecasting Unanswerable Questions
Publications (Forecasting)
Subjective-Probability Forecasts of Existential Risk: Initial Results from a Hybrid Persuasion Forecasting Tournament
(email for
with Josh Rosenberg, Zachary Jacobs, Molly Hickman, Philip E. Tetlock
Accepted, International Journal of Forecasting
Publications (Education)
State and Local Efforts To Investigate the Validity and Reliability of Scores From Teacher Evaluation Systems
Teachers College Record, 2014, 116(1): 1-28
Policy Publications
Can Humanity Achieve a Century of Nuclear Peace? Expert Forecasts of Nuclear Risk
with Bridget Williams, Ezra Karger, Andreas Persbo, Kseniia Pirnavskaia, Karim Kamel, Victoria Schmidt, Otto Kuusela, Zach Jacobs, and Philip E. Tetlock
Conditional Trees: A Method for Generating Informative Questions about Complex Topics: AI Risk Case Study
with Tegan McCaslin, Josh Rosenberg, Avital Morris, Molly Hickman, Otto Kuusela, Sam Glover, Zach Jacobs, and Phil Tetlock
Roots of Disagreement on AI Risk: Exploring the Potential and Pitfalls of Adversarial Collaboration
with Josh Rosenberg, Avital Morris, Molly Hickman, Rose Hadshar, Zachary Jacobs, Philip Tetlock
Forecasting Existential Risks: Evidence from a Long-Run Forecasting Tournament
with Josh Rosenberg, Zachary Jacobs, Molly Hickman, Rose Hadshar, Kayla Gamin, Taylor Smith, Bridget Williams, Tegan McCaslin, Stephen Thomas, Philip E. Tetlock
What Was in Your Holiday CARTS? Resuming Our Index Tracking National Retail Spending
with Scott A. Brave
Improving Judgments of Existential Risk: Better Forecasts, Questions, Explanations, Policies
with Pavel Atanasov, Philip E. Tetlock
If You Build a Library, Children Will Comeāand Learn More, Too
Introducing CARTS: A New Index Tracking National Retail Spending
with Scott A. Brave, Ross Cole, Michael Fogarty, Ezra Karger, Liam Puknys
Classifying Industries into Tradable/Nontradable via Geographic Radius Served
with Simcha Barkai
Measuring the Relationship between Business Reopenings, Covid-19, and Consumer Behavior
Chicago Fed Letter, August 2020
Patent Citations and Stock Performance: Constructing a Dynamic Industry Classification
with Sebastien Gay